Athenian Citizenship
The Acropolis of Athens. Photo by Carole Raddato, 2014, published on Wikipedia.
My research on Athenian citizenship focuses on the most exclusive law by which Pericles withdrew citizenship from those who were not born from an Athenian father and an Athenian mother. In contrast to previous scholarship, I have suggested dating this law no longer to 451 BCE but to ca. 445/44 BCE; it should be understood in the context of Athens redefining itself after the First Peloponnesian War. Based on the new findings, several other questions have received a fresh treatment: how was citizenship legally defined and what did it mean to be a citizen in democratic and imperialist Athens from the 6th to the 4th centuries?
Main Publication:
Perikles und die Definition des Bürgerrechts im klassischen Athen – Neue Vorschläge zu Inhalt, Zeitpunkt, Hintergrund und Auswirkungen des Gesetzes (‘Perikles and the Definition of Citizenship in Classical Athens – New Proposals on the Content, Date, Background, and Impact of His Citzenship Law’). In: HZ = Historische Zeitschrift 299, 2014, 1-35. Summaries on the publisher’s website:
English translation of the article (in preparation)
Further Publications:
Pseudo-Xenophon: ein ‚Alter Oligarch‘? Die Athenaion politeia auf dem Prüfstand. (‘Pseudo-Xenophon: an ‘Old Oligarch’? The Athenaion politeia Re-Visited’). In: Gustav-Adolf Lehmann/Dorit Engster/Alexander Nuß (Hgg.): Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption, 2012, 55-81. Open access:
Weitere Überlegungen zu den Voraussetzungen und Folgen des Perikleischen Bürgerrechtsgesetzes: Naturalisierung und Epigamie im Klassischen Athen (Further Reflexions on the Premises and Consequences of the Periclean Citizenship Law: Naturalization and Epigamia in Classical Athens). In: Klio 95.2, 2013, 391-404. Summary on the publisher’s website:
Griechische Polis und Römisches Reich: Politische und rechtliche Stellung der Fremden in der Antike (‘Greek Polis and Roman Empire: the Political and Legal Conditions of Strangers in Antiquity’). In: A.C./Lutz Raphael (eds.): Fremd und Rechtlos? Zugehörigkeitsrechte Fremder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Ein Handbuch, Köln 2014, 85-120. Free download.