Workshops, Conference Panels, and Conferences
12-15/11/2025 Seleukid Study Days VIII: ‘The Afterlife of the Seleukids.
Receptions and Reinterpretations from Antiquity to the Present’.
Co-organized with Rolf Strootman & Pim Möhring, Utrecht University.
14/7/2025 Second Workshop of the Amici Populi Romani Network.
Co-organized with Oliver Braeckel and Jean Coert, University of Leipzig.
7-11/7/2025 ‘Colonial’ Encounters: Re-Conceptualizations from the Archaic Period to Postmodernism.
Double Panel at the 17th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques,
co-organized with Joanna Porucznik, at the University of Wroclaw, Poland.
15/11/2024 New Trends in Seleukid Studies.
Workshop co-organized with Rolf Strootman, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
20/7/2024 Renegotiating Colonial Settlements in the Legendary Tradition of the Ancient Greeks,
Empuries, Spain, co-organized with Marta Oller Guzmán, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona,
and Marta Santos, Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya- Empúries.
31/5/2024 Paulus Studientag, held together with Bernhard Heininger & Barbara Bargel, University of Würzburg, Germany.
28-29/5/2024 Amici Populi Romani: Friendship Diplomacy, Networking, and Digital Opportunities,
co-organized with Oliver Braeckel and Jean Coert, University of Leipzig, Germany.
Click here for the report in HSK 23 September 2024.
Jan - June 2024 Seleukid Lecture Series VI, organized by the Seleukid Study Group,
co-hosted with Rabbi Ben Scolnic, Waterloo, ON, & Hamden, CT.
26-27/4/2023 Ethnicity and Ethnic Constructs in the Long History of the Ancient Mediterranean and Black Sea,
co-organized with Maia Kotrosits, Waterloo, ON.
18-20/6/2022 Translatio et Renovatio Imperii. Legitimacy Construction
through Imperial Succession and Renewal from Antiquity to the 21st Century,
co-organized with David Engels, Instytut Zachodni, Poznań, Poland.
19/5/21-21/6/23 Seleukid Lecture Series I - V, organized by the Seleukid Study Group,
co-hosted with Rabbi Ben Scolnic, Waterloo, ON, & Hamden, CT.
28/2/2020 “Succession of Ancient Empires”. Workshop at the University of Waterloo.
2/8/2019 with Nick Sekunda: “Black Sea Study Day:
The Northern Black Sea Coast on the Fringes of the Roman Empire”,
Sopot near Gdansk, Poland.
29/7-1/8/2019 with Nick Sekunda & Dawid Borowka: “Seleukid Study Days VII:
Warfare, Military & Society in the Seleukid Kingdom”, Sopot near Gdansk, Poland.
30/8/2019 Waterloo Thesis Study Day
12/11/2018 “Recent Research in Ancient Black Sea Studies in Canada and Beyond”
Colloquium Ponticum Canadiense, University of Waterloo
23/7/2018 "Power, status and symbols in the Black Sea area in antiquity", International Workshop at the
Institute of History, University of Wrocław, ul. Szewska 49, 50-139 Wrocław
1-3/9/2017 with Richard Wenghofer: "Seleukid Study Days VI: Reception, Response & Resistance. Reactions to
Seleukid Claims to Territorial Rule or Hegemony", Nipissing University, North Bay ON
16-18/7/2017 with Victor Cojocaru: "Advances in Ancient Black Sea Studies: Methodological Innovation,
Interdisciplinary Perspectives and International Cooperation", International Workshop at the
Archaeological Institute of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Romania
5-8/4/2017 "Recent Research in Ancient Black Sea Studies",
Panel at the 113th Annual Meeting of CAMWS, University of Waterloo
17/6/2016 with Richard Wenghofer: "Recent Trends in Seleukid Studies", Nipissing University, North Bay ON
21-23/8/2015 with David Engels: “Seleukid Study Day V: Rome and the Seleukid East”, Université Libre de Bruxelles
6-11/7/2015 with Victor Cojocaru & Alexander Rubel: “Mobility in Research on the Black Sea Region”,
Archaeological Institute of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Romania
4-5/7/2015 with Andrea Binsfeld: “Colloquium in Memory of Prof. Dr. Heinz Heinen”, St. Vith, Belgium
22/5/2015 Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada:
“Recent Research on the Later Seleukid Empire”, Toronto ON
12-13/3/2015 “Methods of Asia Minor Studies”, Graduate Workshop, University of Waterloo ON
08/5/2014 with Gillian Ramsey: “Recent Research on Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor”.
Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, McGill University, Montreal
1-2/5/2014 with DJ Houle, Brett Bartlett: “Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor”,
Graduate Workshop, Classical Studies, University of Waterloo
13-15/3/2014 “Recent Research on Ancient Galatia, Classical Studies, University of Waterloo
8-12/7/2013 “Interconnectivity in the Mediterranean and Pontic World during Hellenistic and Roman periods”,
Constanta, Romania (with Dr. Victor Cojocaru, Archaeological Institute of the Romanian Academy in Iasi
and Dr. Gabriel Custurea, National Museum of History and Archaeology, Constanta)
20-23/2/13 with Alex McAuley & Hans Beck: “Seleucid Study Day IV: Seleucid Royal Women: Roles,
Representations, and Expectations”, McGill University
08/01/13 with Sheila Ager: “Interstate Study Day”. Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies &
Department of Classical Studies, UW
5-7/9/12 “Seleucid Study Day III: War within the Family: A Reassessment of the First Century of Seleucid Rule”,
Panel of the Celtic Conference of Classics, Bordeaux. (Main convenor: Dr. Kyle Erickson,
Trinity St David, Lampeter, UK)
21/6/12 ‘Thesis Workshop’, Department of Classical Studies, Waterloo.
09/11/11 “Seleucid Study Day II”, Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
27-28/08/11 with Andrea Binsfeld: “Lectiones gratulatoriae Henrico Heinen (paene) septuagesimo.
Ein Querschnitt aus den Forschungen des Schüler/innen/kreises,“ Abtei Himmerod near Trier, Germany
15/8/11 with Stephen Mitchell: “Seleucid Study Day”, University of Exeter, UK
20/12/10 "Fremd und rechtlos? Bausteine und Anregungen zum Handbuchprojekt"
(‘Foreign and without Rights? Elements and Suggestions for the Companion Project’).
Workshop of the Study Group on Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship.
Collaborative Research Centre = SFB 600, University of Trier (with Professor Lutz Raphael)
11/12/2010 with David Engels, Brussels & Kyle Erickson, Lampeter: “Construction of Seleucid Royalty:
Studies in the Politics and Propaganda of Antiochus I.” At the Workshop: Opportunities for
Interdisciplinarity in Hellenistic Scholarship, Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies, University of Waterloo.
25-26/06/10 "Systematische Querschnitte zu den Rechten von Fremden von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart"
(‘Systematic Perspectives on Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship from Antiquity to the Present Day’).
Workshop of the Study Group Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship, Collaborative Research Centre
= SFB 600, University of Trier. (with Professor Lutz Raphael)
19/12/09 "Neue Projekte und Zwischenberichte" (‘New Projects and Intermediate Reports’).
Workshop of the Study Group on Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship. Collaborative Research Centre
= SFB 600, University of Trier. (with Professor Lutz Raphael)
7-8/11/08 "Zugehörigkeitsrechte und religiöse Differenzierung" (‘Rights of Belonging and Religious Alterity’).
Workshop of the Study Group Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship, Collaborative Research Centre
= SFB 600, University of Trier (with Professor Wolfgang Spickermann)
19-21/10/07 "Zwischen Freundschaft und kultischer Verehrung. Formen zwischenstaatlicher Beziehungen
in der griechisch-römischen Welt" (‘Between Friendship and Divine Adoration.
Modes of International Relations in the Graeco-Roman World’). Collaborative Research Centre
= SFB 600, University of Trier (with Professor Heinz Heinen/Dr Stefan Pfeiffer)
5/5/06 "Auf des Rechtes Schneide: Ausschluß und Vertreibung zwischen Gesetz, Verfahren und
sozialer Praxis untersucht an neun historischen Beispielen" (‘Legally Precarious Balance: Exclusion
and Expulsion in the Context of Law, Procedure, and Social Practice – Nine Historical Case Studies’).
Workshop of the Study Group Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship, Collaborative Research Centre 600
(SFB 600), University of Trier
12/02/05 "Second Round Table on Intercultural Onomastics: Recent Research on Celtic, Greek, Iberian,
Norman, and Roman Contact Names in Antiquity and the Middle Ages". Network for Intercultural
Onomastics (NIO), University of Trier (with Lidia Kouznetsova M.A. & PD Dr Jürgen Zeidler)
11/02/05 "Personennamen zwischen den Kulturen. Methoden, Probleme und Ergebnisse der Interferenzonomastik"
(‘Personal Names in Cultural Contact. Methods, Problems, and Results of Intercultural Onomastics’).
Network for Intercultural Onomastics (NIO), University of Trier (with Lidia Kouznetsova M.A. &
PD Dr Jürgen Zeidler)
09/07/04 "Roms auswärtige Freunde in der späten Republik" (‘The Foreign Friends of Rome in the Late Republic’).
Workshop of the Research Project The Foreign Friends of Rome, Collaborative Research Centre = SFB 600-A2,
University of Trier (with Professor Heinz Heinen, Trier/ Professor Gustav Adolf Lehmann, Göttingen)
27-28/02/04 "Zugehörigkeitsrechte und die Inklusion von Fremden in politische Räume" (‘Rights of Participation and
the Inclusion of Foreigners in Political Communities’. Panel I of the conference: "Recht, Religion und
Versorgungskrisen. Wandel von Inklusion und Exklusion Fremder und Armer von der Antike bis zur
Gegenwart". Study Group Foreigners’ Rights and Citizenship, Collaborative Research Centre = SFB 600,
University of Trier
06/12/03 "Round Table on Interference and Interculturalisation in Onomastics". Network for Intercultural
Onomastics (NIO), Classics Centre, Oxford University. (with Ina Döttinger Hartmann M.A. &
PD Dr Jürgen Zeidler)
List of Invited Talks and Conference Papers, 2001-2024