Think Centrist !
Thinking Centrist is a democratic virtue, not the monopoly of any political party or esoteric circle. Thinking, talking and acting Centrist will foster a more respectful, more sustainable and more resilient democratic culture. It seeks a healthy balance between individual freedom, solidarity and good government. Think Centrist ! encourages all citizens to contribute.
Tear gas on the west Capitol steps, 6 Jan. 2021. Photo by Tyler Merbler, Wikipedia.
No law or institution can defend our freedom and dignity, when we fail to show respect for one another. It is the glue of a diverse and thriving society. We need to rediscover the meaning of respect, and the reward that this may bring to our lives.
In my column with The Community Edition, I try to explore what respect for other people in a diverse society as Canada may mean.
Think Centrist supports the Ontario Ethics Bowl 2022 (March 5-6) for its mission to foster critical, creative and respectful thinking in our young fellow citizens.
DEMOCRACY needs your voice
Democracies around the world are eroding: some have been lost, most others are hurting. With this, the protection of individual freedom and the chance of finding efficient and balanced solutions to our world’s problems are at risk. Don’t expect healing to come from our political and religious leaders: every fair-minded citizen is called on to speak up against recklessness.
The creative series I AM PERICLES and LOST DIARIES OF THUCYDIDES explore what our democracy offers AND claims from us. It is continued by the SECRET DIALOGUES OF HERODOTUS AND PROTAGORAS. More inspiration can be found in the rubric MORE FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
The ancient Athenians assembled on the Pnyx to discuss all political matters.
Learn to Disagree
In the past years, the views of the radical fringes infiltrated the centres of Western democratic societies. There is a lot of calling out and shouting down, which is amplified by the silence of the indifferent or intimidated majority. There is ever less constructive and respectful dialogue. Let us learn to better understand other views before we reject them, let us have the courage to openly discuss controversial topics, and let us cultivate respectful disagreement.
The CONTROVERSIES section will try to reclaim intimidating topics (such as abortion, gender equity or ‘cancel culture’) for balanced and respectful debate in the centre of society.