Die Ehrenstellungen des Dexandros und die königlichen Vorfahren des L. Iulios Agrippa von Apameia (The Honours of Dexandros and the Royal Ancestors of L. Iulios Agrippa of Apamea). In: Ancient West and East 13, 2014, 81-88.
Abstract (English)
L. Iulios Agrippa is attested as a benefactor in an epigraphic dossier of Apamea on the Orontes. He was distinguished through “royal honours” and prominent ancestors: among those were tetrarchs and other dignitaries who “participated in royal honours”. It is argued that these should be identified with the offspring of King Herod. Only one forebear is mentioned by name, Dexandros, who became an amicus populi Romani under Augustus and the first priest of the “eparchia”. Against the common opinion, he never was a tetrarch. Likewise difficult is the idea that he was the first priest of the Syrian imperial cult.